Drouillard Mansion: Federal Officer and Southern Belle-Scandalous
Belair (Hillsboro Rd.)
Noelton: A Huge Chunk of Original Green Hills
Rokeby - Start of all the Hayes homes
Mistletoe Lodge/ Arden Place
Henry W. Grantland House
Westover (Stock Place): Part of Robertson Family places
Edgehill/ The Edge
Brightwood: Before Beaman Bottling and 100 Oaks Mall
East Ivy: A Beautiful Italianate with a 3-story tower
Fairfield: Afterward Nashville City Hospital, St. Margaret's Hosp, St. Bernard Acad.
Miles House
Cunningham Home/ Old Hermitage Club: Enjoyed a Whole 2 years!
Greenland: A Founder of Central University (Vanderbilt University)
Hillside: Another Wedding Gift
Renraw: The Original Warner Home & Many Family Ties
Fatherland (2)
Edgewood: Eastern Edge of Nashville (at the time)
Belmont Mansion (Bellemonte)