648 Poplar Ave. (former 664 Adams) Memphis, TN
Circa 1860. 2.5 story in Federal and Italianate styling

It is unclear whether W. C. Bradford built the home in 1859 or James Maydwell in 1860. Maydwell (1826-1892) and Sophia Harsson Maydwell (1838-1922) lived there. He was a marble dealer and stone mason. His work is on many monuments in Elmwood Cemetery as well as on the Goyer Building. In 1872, he won a patent for a “machine for sawing stone.” His daughter Elizabeth Banks “Lizzie” Maydwell Hunter (1873-1935) was made his estate trustee; neither her sister Ida nor her brother William married - they perished in 1910 and 1926, respectively. She lived on Jackson Ave. when she returned from Texas after her husband died in 1901. A west wing was added later about 1868.

In 1979, Dayton Smith owned and resided there.
In 1983, Wayne Reynolds owned the building and ran The Bradford House, a nice restaurant. NR 1979 See also Gayoso